Papers and Other Materials Used for Wallcoverings

Papers and Other Materials Used for Wallcoverings

Part of the challenge of wallpaper removal is the huge amount of different materials used in manufacturing wallcoverings.  The material that the pretty part of the wallcovering (only the inks, really) is printed upon is something called ‘the ground’.  This is the paper, fabric, foil, etc. that we think of as the ‘front’ or ‘face’ of the wallcovering.  Often, in addition to the front/face of the wallcovering there is an entirely different material attached to this.  This would be called the ‘back’ or ‘backing’ of the wallcovering.  Then there is the complexities of the interaction of these two material layers to each other and of the backing material to the wall surfaces.  Sometimes, there is only one layer of wallcovering and this serves both as the printed-upon surface and the backing surface as well.  Unfortunately, there is no ‘rule’ over which type of wallcovering may be more ‘advantageous’ as difficulty of removal is dependent upon the totality of factors involved such as… Pastes and other materials used for wallcoverings

By | 2019-08-22T20:59:07+00:00 August 6th, 2019|Categories: Wallpaper Removal Blog|0 Comments

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